Impact of the Massachusetts Elections
This fall Massachusetts voters will elect a slate of new statewide officeholders, state legislators, and will consider important ballot questions that will impact Massachusetts’ economic competitiveness. Less than 24 hours after the polls closed on Massachusetts’ Primary Election Day, the Roundtable hosted an Open Forum featuring Steve Koczela, President of the MassINC Polling Group, to provide members with a breakdown on “what just happened” in addition to insights on public policy issues before voters including ballot question 1 which proposes a surtax on income over $1 million. As the Roundtable prepares for a new legislative session and new statewide elected leaders in 2023, here are three ways the Massachusetts elections will impact the Roundtable’s policy agenda:
- Statewide officeholders: Regardless of the outcome for the General Election, Massachusetts voters will elect new leaders in November to several statewide offices including Governor, Lt. Governor, Attorney General, and Auditor. Steve observed that on the democratic ballot, no statewide candidate won their nomination with a progressive campaign. The Roundtable is looking forward to working with the elected officials who will take office in the new year to share perspective from the business community as we work to advance equity, opportunity, and competitiveness in the Commonwealth.
- State legislators: Across the state, there were several races including open seats for state representatives and senators. In the past legislative session, the Roundtable’s voice helped to secure significant investments and initiate system improvements that will strengthen the state’s economic competitiveness in areas including early childhood education, workforce development, early college, mental health, and the future of work. The Roundtable looks forward to working as partners with state legislators who will serve in the 2022-2023 legislative session to advance Roundtable member priorities. A legislative roundup of the 2021-2022 legislation session can be viewed here.
- Ballot question 1: Ballot question 1 proposes a surtax on income over $1 million. During the Open Forum, Steve shared that polling has shown a softening of support for the income surtax question. For years, support for the millionaire’s tax ballot question was in the 70% range, but was in the mid-50% range as of the summer. With undecided voters, it is possible this question will shift in support as the election approaches. The No on 1 coalition is supported by a group of business organizations including AIM, the Massachusetts High Technology Council, several regional Chambers of Commerce such as the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce and Springfield Chamber of Commerce, as well as the Roundtable.
Election Day is Tuesday, November 8. To learn more about your voter registration status, locate your polling place, or review your ballot in advance, you can visit the Massachusetts Secretary of State’s Election Division at:
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