A Talent Agenda to Drive Massachusetts Competitiveness

The secret to Massachusetts’ economic success has historically been its ever-growing population of well-trained, highly educated, and diverse talent. For decades, this has been the Commonwealth’s greatest competitive advantage…and will continue to be. However, this economic strength is currently under threat due to three key challenges, namely: the high cost of living; the outmigration of talent; and the high costs…

Taking Aim at the State’s Competitiveness

With the passage of significant economic development and climate legislation this month, the Governor and legislature are putting a bow on a legislative session that will be consequential to the state’s economy for years to come. Bookended by $1B in tax cuts and nearly $10B in bond authorizations for key policy priorities, this legislative session took direct aim at addressing…

Quarterly Policy Roundup: Q3 2023

Over the past three months, the Roundtable’s policy work has been guided by our Talent Agenda, framed by three pillars: Talent Recruitment and Retention; Talent Development; and Talent Diversity. We have engaged on issues around tax relief, in-state tuition for immigrants, early childhood education, pay equity, apprenticeship, MCAS, and more. Below is a short summary of our activities this quarter: Talent…

Massachusetts’ Future of Energy

By Marlene Motyka, Deloitte’s US Renewable Energy Leader, Kate Hardin, Managing Director, Deloitte Services, LP and Kevin McGovern, New England Managing Partner, Deloitte LLP What will it take for Massachusetts (MA) to achieve its 35% renewables by 2030 target and its 2050 net-zero ambition? The Massachusetts Business Roundtable convened educators, energy companies, engineering companies and policy makers in early April…

Quarterly Policy Roundup: Q1 2022

The Roundtable kicked off the new year by convening Task Forces focused on key policy areas while also collaborating with external partners to advance strategies to support key priorities. The Roundtable convened its Task Forces including: Competitiveness; Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion; Education and Workforce Development; Energy and Environment; Healthcare and Life Sciences; and Transportation, Housing, and Infrastructure. There were many…

Quarterly Policy Roundup: Q3 2021

The Roundtable is focused on seven priorities as part of the 2021 – 22 Legislative Session. There’s lots of progress underway and more to come, and we look forward to further engagement among members, policy makers, and the broader business community to support these priorities. As a reflection of our mission and underscored by our members, the Roundtable approaches our…