Open Forum Roundup: Evolving Worker Preferences for the Office; New Framework to Meet Changing Needs of Employees

Throughout the pandemic, the Roundtable’s Open Forums have provided a space for members to discuss best practices, trends, and new norms around the changing work environment.  On July 27, Roundtable member JLL presented the findings of a global study to understand worker preferences. The discussion featured Roundtable Executive Committee member Jim Tierney, Market Director, New England and Julia Georgules, Senior…

Roundtable Testimony to the Joint Committee on Ways & Means and the House Committee on Federal Stimulus and Census Oversight: Workforce Development

The following testimony was submitted by JD Chesloff of the Massachusetts Business Roundtable to the Joint Committee on Ways & Means and the House Committee on Federal Stimulus and Census Oversight for the July 27, 2021 virtual hearing on the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)—Focusing on Labor & Workforce Development and Housing. Chairman Rodrigues, Chairman Michlewitz, Chairman Hunt, and Members…

Open Forum Roundup: Creating Pathways to College & Career

Increasing opportunity pathways is at the center of the Roundtable’s advocacy for improved education and workforce development public policy and a key priority for the Roundtable during the 2021-22 Legislative Session. As part of this focus, the Roundtable convened an Open Forum to receive an overview from the state leaders behind the Commonwealth’s Early College High School (ECHS) program. ECHS…

Talent remains the core of the future of work

Below is an op-ed as it appeared on June 1, 2021 in the Boston Business Journal. There are lots of questions circulating on the future of work, post-pandemic. While we may not know exactly how the future will unfold, our reality is starting to come into focus. A key takeaway from a recent survey of Massachusetts Business Roundtable members, including…

Survey of Massachusetts Business Roundtable Members Provides More Insight on Post-Pandemic Planning Among Large Employers

The Massachusetts Business Roundtable (MBR) today released findings following a survey of its members, providing the latest insight on post-pandemic plans among large employers in the Commonwealth. Most notably, 79% of responding MBR members forecast using a hybrid working model postpandemic; by contrast, 90% of responding members maintained all or mostly in-person operations prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, representing a…